On finding out I was expecting my third child, waves of anxiety started to creep in and impact on day to day life, as my second child was born at just 28 weeks.
Work knew the best way to support me, was to provide me with some mental health support and this is where I met Emma.
Even after my first session, I felt relieved that I had strategies to tackle my “emotional brain” and to manage frequent panic attacks.
Over the six sessions, Emma equipped me with skills I will use for life, mindful practice both formal and informal which have impacted so positively on my day to day living and thought processes.
I cannot recommend Emma enough, someone who came to my rescue and gave me hope. I am now very much looking forward to meeting my baby and I am ready to tackle any negative feelings or behaviours this may bring, with mindfulness and kindness


Private Client

“Hi Emma, I thought you would like to hear that I am doing well with the Mindfulness —am practising at least twice a day and feel great. I am sleeping so much better.”

Private Client

“Thank you so much! All your techniques really helped me during exams.”

Feedback from a client with stress who has just achieved fantastic A level results!

Private Client

“I very much enjoyed the course and feel I have greatly benefitted from it. Many, many thanks”

“Very useful and complementary to my diploma course, particularly the guided practices”

“I have looked forward to sessions and will aim to continue to practice. Really enjoyable and practical and I am already feeling the benefits. Thank you!”

“Both tutors excellent in manner and presentation style – their differences are nicely complementary”

“Really benefitted from the course, certainly plan to bring mindfulness into daily life.”

“Very approachable and nice not to feel pressured to speak”

“Informal approach, open discussions are useful”

“Having time, guided meditation, “escape” from being very “busy””

“The practices, listening to others experiences, feedback”

“Very relaxed, informal and facilitators have a great knowledge of area”

“Enjoyed them – relaxed, friendly, welcoming”

“Set at own pace and don’t probe asking why attending”

“Informative with really useful tips on using it in day to day life”

“Lovely peaceful room and location, birds singing etc”

“Very pleasant environment”

“Very nice peaceful location”


Mindfulness 8 Week Course – Group Feedback

Hi Emma, Just to thank you so much for all the information received today. Also to thank you for all your help. It has made such a difference to me and everyone is saying how well I look. I feel it too. Thank you so much.

Private Client

I first began attending mindfulness sessions with Emma upon manager recommendation; I’d been feeling rather overwhelmed with increasing workloads, career choices and was finding it difficult to manage stressors at work.

Emma was, from the beginning extremely warm and welcoming – making the somewhat daunting idea of learning a new concept much easier.

I really feel like I benefited a lot from Emma’s sessions, in many ways.

She taught me mental and breathing techniques, allowing me to;

  •  Identify stressors and thereby reduce them
  • Cope in times of stress
  • Make confident decisions (in scenarios where previously I’d have been indecisive)
  • Priorities what is important, and;
  • Appreciate the joy in simple tasks

These are all techniques that I know will serve me well throughout my life and for that I am extremely grateful.

I believe there is a place for mindfulness in every workplace and the benefit of its application a real, lifelong skill to help better yourself as a person.

Mindfulness Sessions
I’ve been telling friends how good your course has been. I think it is just what I needed and it’s come at the right time. So another thank you to both you and Caroline.
Mindfulness 8 week course

This is my second time doing the course and I have found it very beneficial. I think that shows that it is important to be in the correct frame of mind so that you can be receptive to what is being taught. I still struggle to remember to do daily formal practice but I have found that I am a lot calmer and slower to react to difficult situations. The patience that I now have with my daughter has increased noticeably and I am sleeping much better. I would love if the course could be extended to 12 weeks but after the first 8 weeks the sessions drop from 2 hours to 1 hour, just to reinforce what has been learnt. Thank you!

Mindfulness 8 week course

The course has helped me deal with everyday life and especially dealing with stress and how to cope. I think all employees should be offered at least 1 mindfulness session and maybe it should be a mandatory session as the fast pace the organisation operates I feel it would benefit every employee to succeed whatever role they are in.

Mindfulness 8 week course

I found this course very interesting. This course is helping me to concentrate more on living in the present. This has helped me overpower the negative or unwanted thoughts. Helped making me feel more positive. Thank you very much.

Mindfulness 8 week course